What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a complete system of healthcare focused on restoring, preserving, and optimizing health by natural hands-on care. Spinal adjustments are used to correct misalignments and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally.
Chiropractic patients seek chiropractic care for back pain, headaches, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, as well as non-musculoskeletal conditions including allergies, asthma, and digestive disorders. Some chiropractors further specialize in orthopedics, sports injuries, neurology, pediatrics, nutrition, internal disorders, or diagnostic imaging.
In chiropractic, care of the spine and nervous system (which is of fundamental importance in human health) is the way to optimize the health of the whole human system and not just a means to relieve back complaints.
A basic philosophy of chiropractic is that the body naturally seeks the proper balance among all the systems of the body, and that these systems are meant to work together. A second basic principle is that proper structure is necessary for proper function. If a structure is impaired by injury or stress, its function can be adversely affected.

Techniques Practiced Here
Full Spine/Diversified Technique
Full Spine Diversified Adjustment is one of the most widely used forms of manipulation in chiropractic. This technique helps create motion in spinal joints with the ultimate goals of restoring structure and function. It does not focus on only one area of the body, but the non-specific adjustment of the entire spine. This technique corrects subluxations through a high velocity, low amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation of a joint (popping noise).
Thompson Drop
The Thompson Drop Technique utilizes a specialized table to aid your chiropractor with a spinal adjustment. The segmented drop system of this table quickly lowers the section of the patient’s body corresponding with the spinal region being adjusted. The Thompson Drop Table enables your chiropractor to thrust at high speed using minimal force. The thrust initiates movement as the fast drop carries the joint through the remainder of its range of motion.
The Benefits of the Thompson Technique
• Improved posture and performance
• Increased strength
• Improved flexibility
• Greater resistance to injury
• Improved ability to sleep and relax
• Fewer aches and pains
• Improved tolerance to stress
• General enhancement to health
• Chiropractic adjustments allow the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery.
SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique)
SOT is the acronym referring to the Sacro Occipital Technique. It is named because of the relationship between the Sacrum (base of the spine) and the Occiput (base of the skull). SOT is a comprehensive, gentle and innovative technique of Chiropractic.
One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system. CSF acts as the circulatory system of the brain and spinal cord.
The pelvis forms the foundational support of the human skeleton. It supports the upper body right up to the skull, and enables us to transfer our weight to our legs. The spine holds our body upright, supports all of our organs and provides anchor points for our muscles. It also protects our nervous system. The nervous system controls our body, and can only function normally when our structures are balanced and our pelvis is stable.
There is a natural flow of energy, lymphatics, and cebrospinal fluid back and forth in the body as we breathe. SOT focuses on restoring the natural rhythm between the skull and sacrum (pelvis).
Traditionally, chiropractors use single high-energy thrusting and other movements to adjust areas of the body. These precise Chiropractic adjustments no only move bones and restore proper joint function, but they stimulate ‘neural receptors’. These receptors, in turn, produce positive nerve impulses which relay crucial positive information to the brain.
The brain depends on this “neurological feedback flow” to update its awareness about an area. Once the brain evaluates the changes prompted by the adjustment, it sends the joints, cells and tissues self-correcting commands to bring about healing changes.
The Arthrostim is a hand held adjusting instrument that is an alternative to manual adjustments. The secret to the Arthrostim’s effectiveness comes from its gentle, controlled, repetitive thrusts.
The repetitive thrusts allow the Arthrostim to create positive neurological feedback to the brain, improve joint movement, decrease muscular tension, and reduce pain. Due to its very gentle/low force input, the Arthrostim tool is safe to use on virtually any joint in the body. Although anyone may be treated with the Arthrostim tool, there are specific types of patients who will benefit most, these including:
• Acute patients who are initially too sensitive to tolerate manual (hand) adjustments
• Infants, very young children, and the elderly can benefit when forceful adjustments would be unsafe
• Patients who struggle with relaxation or those that are difficult to hand adjust
• Patients with limiting health conditions or those with congenital defects of the spine
• Patients who have had bad experiences in the past with standard treatments
• Those with a fear of having their bones “popped” or “cracked”
Webster Technique
Gentle, prenatal chiropractic care helps to remove some of the stresses of pregnancy, balance the mother’s pelvis and spine, and allow for an easier birthing process. When the mother’s body is in balance, her growing child can develop in a healthier environment. For women who are carrying a breech baby (that’s when the baby’s feet or rear end are facing down) or transverse baby (that’s when the baby is lying on its side), chiropractic care can help them to avoid an invasive cesarean section.
The Webster Technique helps to correct sacral misalignment and balance pelvic muscles and ligaments. It increases the space around the uterus giving the baby the room it needs to turn. The chiropractor will give an adjustment and ligament massage to the pregnant mother. This process relieves muscle tension and bony misalignment’s in the mother’s pelvis that may be stopping the baby from turning “head down” or having as much room as possible to move during delivery. The technique is used to relieve the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint that may lead to cesarean section delivery.
Potential benefits for women receiving chiropractic care when pregnant include:
• Relief of back, neck, pelvic, and joint pain
• Controlling vomiting and morning sickness
• Increasing the likelihood of a full-term delivery
• Reduction in amount of time for labor and delivery
• Reduction in cesarean sections and breech deliveries
• Reduction in pain during labor
• Safe and effective nutritional and exercise recommendations
Extremity Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care keeps the bones and the joints of the spine in proper motion, in order to help improve the health of the body. Chiropractors can also adjust the joints of the extremities. These joints include the ribs, shoulder and elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot, as well as the hands and toes.
Just like the joints of the spine, the extremity joints can become locked up or misaligned through injuries, improper use, or repetitive stress. This can lead to pain and stiffness, and can dramatically affect your ability to carry out even simple daily activities.
Signs or possible symptoms of an extremity issue that can be helped by a chiropractor:
• Extremity pain or pain in the extremity joint
• Weakness in an extremity or joint
• Stiffness in the extremity
• Immobility of an extremity joint
• Numbness or tingling in an extremity
• Catching or locking of an extremity joint
The goal of adjusting extremities is to restore the original and proper alignment of the joint which allows it to have normal and proper function.
Toggle Chiropractic technique (also known as “Hole In One”) is one of the most researched chiropractic techniques in the world. The technique uses high velocity and low force. An adjusting table with a special “drop” piece is often used to facilitate the procedure. The chiropractor focuses attention primarily on the Atlas (the highest neck bone) and the Axis (the bone beneath it). The adjustment is quick and painless.
One of the reasons patients might be intimidated by this technique is because it requires very fast and precise motions. Some patients are leery of quick motions because they expect pain to accompany it. That is not the case with the toggle technique. The technique is actually painless.
Pediatric Chiropractic
Your child should have a chiropractic examination as soon after birth as possible. Spinal trauma to an infant’s or child’s spine can occur during the birth process as well as from any number of tumbles while learning to sit up or walk. Your child’s spine grows almost 50% in length during that first year (the equivalent of a six-footer growing to nine feet in just 12 months!). It’s this kind of tremendous growth and developmental changes which make continued chiropractic examinations so important in the early stages of your child’s life.
It is especially important to have your child under chiropractic care when your child takes part in athletic activities. The “sack” of a young quarterback could twist a young spine. A softball pitcher could throw a vertebra out of alignment. In Chiropractic we can do more than correct these problems, we can also help improve performance on and off the field by helping the body function at its optimum level, naturally without stress and without drugs.
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic massage helps the body heal itself and increases health and well-being in a number of ways. Massage therapy improves circulation, which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This can assist the elimination of waste products, speed healing after injury, and enhance recovery from disease. Massage promotes general well-being and enhances self-esteem, while boosting the circulatory and immune systems to benefit blood pressure, circulation, muscle tone, digestion, and skin tone.
Full Spine/Diversified Technique
Full Spine Diversified Adjustment is one of the most widely used forms of manipulation in chiropractic. This technique helps create motion in spinal joints with the ultimate goals of restoring structure and function. It does not focus on only one area of the body, but the non-specific adjustment of the entire spine. This technique corrects subluxations through a high velocity, low amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation of a joint (popping noise).
Thompson Drop
The Thompson Drop Technique utilizes a specialized table to aid your chiropractor with a spinal adjustment. The segmented drop system of this table quickly lowers the section of the patient’s body corresponding with the spinal region being adjusted. The Thompson Drop Table enables your chiropractor to thrust at high speed using minimal force. The thrust initiates movement as the fast drop carries the joint through the remainder of its range of motion.
The Benefits of the Thompson Technique
• Improved posture and performance
• Increased strength
• Improved flexibility
• Greater resistance to injury
• Improved ability to sleep and relax
• Fewer aches and pains
• Improved tolerance to stress
• General enhancement to health
• Chiropractic adjustments allow the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery.
SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique)
SOT is the acronym referring to the Sacro Occipital Technique. It is named because of the relationship between the Sacrum (base of the spine) and the Occiput (base of the skull). SOT is a comprehensive, gentle and innovative technique of Chiropractic.
One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system. CSF acts as the circulatory system of the brain and spinal cord.
The pelvis forms the foundational support of the human skeleton. It supports the upper body right up to the skull, and enables us to transfer our weight to our legs. The spine holds our body upright, supports all of our organs and provides anchor points for our muscles. It also protects our nervous system. The nervous system controls our body, and can only function normally when our structures are balanced and our pelvis is stable.
There is a natural flow of energy, lymphatics, and cebrospinal fluid back and forth in the body as we breathe. SOT focuses on restoring the natural rhythm between the skull and sacrum (pelvis).
Traditionally, chiropractors use single high-energy thrusting and other movements to adjust areas of the body. These precise Chiropractic adjustments no only move bones and restore proper joint function, but they stimulate ‘neural receptors’. These receptors, in turn, produce positive nerve impulses which relay crucial positive information to the brain.
The brain depends on this “neurological feedback flow” to update its awareness about an area. Once the brain evaluates the changes prompted by the adjustment, it sends the joints, cells and tissues self-correcting commands to bring about healing changes.
The Arthrostim is a hand held adjusting instrument that is an alternative to manual adjustments. The secret to the Arthrostim’s effectiveness comes from its gentle, controlled, repetitive thrusts.
The repetitive thrusts allow the Arthrostim to create positive neurological feedback to the brain, improve joint movement, decrease muscular tension, and reduce pain. Due to its very gentle/low force input, the Arthrostim tool is safe to use on virtually any joint in the body. Although anyone may be treated with the Arthrostim tool, there are specific types of patients who will benefit most, these including:
• Acute patients who are initially too sensitive to tolerate manual (hand) adjustments
• Infants, very young children, and the elderly can benefit when forceful adjustments would be unsafe
• Patients who struggle with relaxation or those that are difficult to hand adjust
• Patients with limiting health conditions or those with congenital defects of the spine
• Patients who have had bad experiences in the past with standard treatments
• Those with a fear of having their bones “popped” or “cracked”
Webster Technique
Gentle, prenatal chiropractic care helps to remove some of the stresses of pregnancy, balance the mother’s pelvis and spine, and allow for an easier birthing process. When the mother’s body is in balance, her growing child can develop in a healthier environment. For women who are carrying a breech baby (that’s when the baby’s feet or rear end are facing down) or transverse baby (that’s when the baby is lying on its side), chiropractic care can help them to avoid an invasive cesarean section.
The Webster Technique helps to correct sacral misalignment and balance pelvic muscles and ligaments. It increases the space around the uterus giving the baby the room it needs to turn. The chiropractor will give an adjustment and ligament massage to the pregnant mother. This process relieves muscle tension and bony misalignment’s in the mother’s pelvis that may be stopping the baby from turning “head down” or having as much room as possible to move during delivery. The technique is used to relieve the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint that may lead to cesarean section delivery.
Potential benefits for women receiving chiropractic care when pregnant include:
• Relief of back, neck, pelvic, and joint pain
• Controlling vomiting and morning sickness
• Increasing the likelihood of a full-term delivery
• Reduction in amount of time for labor and delivery
• Reduction in cesarean sections and breech deliveries
• Reduction in pain during labor
• Safe and effective nutritional and exercise recommendations
Extremity Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care keeps the bones and the joints of the spine in proper motion, in order to help improve the health of the body. Chiropractors can also adjust the joints of the extremities. These joints include the ribs, shoulder and elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot, as well as the hands and toes.
Just like the joints of the spine, the extremity joints can become locked up or misaligned through injuries, improper use, or repetitive stress. This can lead to pain and stiffness, and can dramatically affect your ability to carry out even simple daily activities.
Signs or possible symptoms of an extremity issue that can be helped by a chiropractor:
• Extremity pain or pain in the extremity joint
• Weakness in an extremity or joint
• Stiffness in the extremity
• Immobility of an extremity joint
• Numbness or tingling in an extremity
• Catching or locking of an extremity joint
The goal of adjusting extremities is to restore the original and proper alignment of the joint which allows it to have normal and proper function.
Toggle Chiropractic technique (also known as “Hole In One”) is one of the most researched chiropractic techniques in the world. The technique uses high velocity and low force. An adjusting table with a special “drop” piece is often used to facilitate the procedure. The chiropractor focuses attention primarily on the Atlas (the highest neck bone) and the Axis (the bone beneath it). The adjustment is quick and painless.
One of the reasons patients might be intimidated by this technique is because it requires very fast and precise motions. Some patients are leery of quick motions because they expect pain to accompany it. That is not the case with the toggle technique. The technique is actually painless.
Pediatric Chiropractic
Your child should have a chiropractic examination as soon after birth as possible. Spinal trauma to an infant’s or child’s spine can occur during the birth process as well as from any number of tumbles while learning to sit up or walk. Your child’s spine grows almost 50% in length during that first year (the equivalent of a six-footer growing to nine feet in just 12 months!). It’s this kind of tremendous growth and developmental changes which make continued chiropractic examinations so important in the early stages of your child’s life.
It is especially important to have your child under chiropractic care when your child takes part in athletic activities. The “sack” of a young quarterback could twist a young spine. A softball pitcher could throw a vertebra out of alignment. In Chiropractic we can do more than correct these problems, we can also help improve performance on and off the field by helping the body function at its optimum level, naturally without stress and without drugs.
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic massage helps the body heal itself and increases health and well-being in a number of ways. Massage therapy improves circulation, which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This can assist the elimination of waste products, speed healing after injury, and enhance recovery from disease. Massage promotes general well-being and enhances self-esteem, while boosting the circulatory and immune systems to benefit blood pressure, circulation, muscle tone, digestion, and skin tone.